Welcome to my webbed site,,!1!!.
NOTE: I am once again changing the css of the site, WIP! for now, enjoy a collapsible sidebar that only works on the main page
This is my little corner of the internet where I do me things. Click on the About Me section to learn more!
I used to use emote codes for discord statuses. I just put the actual text in the status now - this is just for me to copy-and-paste:
» High pain | High fatigue | Low spoons | Extremely low spoons
» Can't respond | Slow/curt responses | Don't @ or DM me, isolating (Nick, Lucy, & Grace are exempt)
» In a verbal shutdown | Speech may be disorganized | Speech is definitely disorganized
» IWC | IWEC | Avoid serious talks right now | Avoid talking about my schizophrenia right now | Avoid talking about my trauma right now
The emotes in my discord status are oshi marks.

top row from blinkies.cafe | rest by me | code from kumori, tysm ^_^